Aren't they precious? They have both had little colds this weekend but I must brag on the Lord!
Last February Emery was hospitalized for her asthma. It was a really hard situation as we were believing God for her healing.
In June we went to a special service called Habitation that our church has once a month. They were praying for healing and specifically lung issues. Andy stood in for Emery(she was in the nursery) and we prayed for her healing. From then on we have been proclaiming her healing.
Well, this weekend a cold hit and usually we gear up for the worst. (which is breathing treatments, ending up in the dr. or ER and giving into steroids) On our way to church last night I asked Andy, "Were you scared of the worst?" He admitted to thinking about it but we both agreed that we believed she was healed and that was really encouraging. We have stood on that all weekend and have been thanking the Lord for His complete healing of Emery. All she has is a cold.
Thank you God that you are our Healer and that you are all we need!
You do the supernatural and all we have to do is BELIEVE! Lord we believe, help our unbelief!