Emery had everybody wearing "bowties" this morning
Happy Birthday Daddy!
Emery loves, loves birthdays!
As some of you know, Emery loves her daddy! What is greater than seeing them together! Emery loves dressing up. I think that this is pretty common among 3 year old girls. As many of you also know...Emery loves "boy" things. She used to tell me she was a boy and wanted to be a boy. It used to drive this lip gloss, hairspray lovin', can't get enough clothes in my closet girlie girl CRAZY! But, then one day Emery told me the reason she wants to be a boy is so she can be like Daddy. My heart melted, and I began repenting right away. Immediately, I thought, "How easy it will be to explain THE Father's love." We all want to be like our Heavenly Daddy. He wants to spend time and love on us just like Andy does with Emery. I pray every night that she would answer the call that God has on her life. I pray that she would treasure Jesus, just like she treasures Andy. When it does grate on this hair bow lovin' mama and when I wish she would just wear that stinkin' dress, the Lord whispers...she's got her Father's eyes! (I am ballin' thinking about it! God you KNOW!)
This morning she was singing..."O-sanna, o-sanna, o-sana, in the highest praise!" and I repeat, Hosanna in the highest!