Sunday, December 20, 2009

Pondering Grace....

My Grace is sufficient for you....
Amazing Grace how sweet the sound....
Grace flows down and covers me...
Grace that is greater than all my sin...

Some thoughts about the "g" word. I have been reading a book Families where Grace is in Place, and it is really stirred my thoughts. I don't know if I have ever lived like this...What? Really? I mean really? I keep asking myself. I am not even half way into the book and I am nailed to the wall.
Andy and I have been asking ourselves what does this look like? The only answer right now that I can truly say is "more of Jesus, less of me." I must die to my expectations of others and respond in a way that only Christ in me would respond. Ugh....I have made some serious mistakes. I was ugly to the guy, the swim lessons lady, my kids and I want them all to feel bad! That is not grace. That is love of self-idol-worship! I am learning but in no way do I have any real way to tell you except surround yourself in Jesus and last night our pastor preached to Philippians 4:8---whatever is pure, noble right...think on these things. If you don't know where to find them, start in the very word of God. You will probably stay. That is my goal. I am praying my eyes will be opened to grace.