Monday, December 7, 2009

Early Morning Gratitude

I am usually not a big fan of being on the computer during my quiet time because I get distracted, but I am trying to make some head way on my Gratitude and I always write it down in my journal, but it isn't transferring like I thought it would!
I have been reading a book by Stormie O'Martian on worship that has been such a blessing and a challenge to my soul. Today I read about God being our Provision and our Protection. I think I take these things for granted. Worship and Thanksgiving are such a big part of our relationship with the Lord because we are changed from our inward focus to an upward focus so here I go. It is Before 7am and I am already needing that upward focus today!
Thank you Sweet Father,
73. You are my Provider
74. You are my Protector
75. for all the times you have protected me and provided for me and I did not know
76. that you protect Andy when he is at work
77. that you provide for our family through EFW (Andy's work)
78. that you have blessed our family with more than enough
79. that we have been physically protected from harm
80. that every good and perfect gift comes from you (James 1:17)
81. Father, you want us to give so we can appreciate what has been given to us
82. for giving me 2 children
83. for giving me more than I could ever ask or imagine-God you are so good!
84. thank you for the Church at the Cross' presentation of the Journey to Bethlehem
85. for this sweet season that celebrates YOU
86. lights on houses
87. Christmas trees
88. stockings
89. Christmas movies
90. Chrstmas music
91. enjoying all these things
92. thank you for being born

Have a blessed day. Don't forget to Praise really changes things!