Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fall Favorites

Emery and her "adopted sister"
Sullivan. We can't get enough of her!

Emery found Daddy's trombone...

Like mommy....

Emery and Uncle Steve...a favorite!

You are special to our family Uncle Steve!!!

Ivy loves to read....precious!

Here are some fun pics of the girls that I have taken recently. We have been having lots of fun at home because they have been sick with a persistent cough. The Lord has been so gracious during this time as it seems lots of people have had sickness. I do have my continual list of thanksgiving going on but I will add it another day when I haven't been uploading pics for an hour!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Season of Thanksgiving

The List continues as we enter this season of fall and Thanksgiving and the holidays I am feeling thankful...
26. For the gift of faith that comes when believing for the impossible
27.For struggles that make believing the impossible a necessity!
28.For marriage and the boundaries God desires for it
29. You change our lives when we seek your face
30. Encounters...
31. haircuts
32. girls that are willing to stand in line at a resale event and laugh about it!
33. for the wisdom and insight you give
34. your presence in our family
35. talks that reveal our hearts...our hopes
36. your higher ways
37. friends who are home on Mondays
38. playing outside
39. parks
40. 517 Allen Drive