Monday, September 21, 2009


More gratitude...
8. my family
9. our parents marraiges: mine have been married for almost 40 years and Andy's parents have been married 50+ years! What a legacy!
10. sisters-our past and future
11. the rainy days of last week that caused me to stay home
12. pruning
13.Jesus, the Gardener
14. Girl's at "Getting Real" blessing my soul like a drink of water
15. for Adrianne
16. Christ-sisters
17. that you O God are most glorified in me when I am most satisified in you
18. Andy's job-God's provision
19. Gods' ABUNDANT provision!
20. 2 Healthy daughters ( I am declaring this by faith!)
21. for our Saturday picnic with Daddy
22. Mi Chula's (Emery)
23. pumpkins in our pumpkin jar (Emery and Ivy)
24. Andy got the miata work done
25. for Uncle Steve's really nice tools that made all the difference!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


As I got into bed last night I told Andy about our gratitude commitment and he said "that is 30 things a day!" Oh my! We laughed and laughed as we thought about how realistic it was to do that. Although we could agree that it could be done! So, I am going to change my goal and maybe by Valentine's Day is a better finish line. I am up to the challenge!
I have already thought of several: (these are the obvious and we will just get them out of the way!)
1. Jesus...I could really elaborate on this one but He is what keeps me going!
2. Andy, my dear husband. He is a man who sees and savors Jesus and wants nothing more than to be like him. I love who I am when I am with him and I love who he makes me want to be!

3. Emery Suzanne, my first miracle and promise from God. You are truly a joy to my heart. Your life gives Glory to Him and you bring smiles on faces and I pray you do all of your days

5. Ivy Clare, my second miracle. Your life has changed our life and you add happiness to our family as your precious smile lights up the room. You are love and you keep lovin' on your Mama.

6. Miracles...I do believe

Okay...that is enough for today as I am overwhelmed and am having a hard time typing through the tears. I know being thankful is good, but if you wanna feel good and get in the presence of God start writiing it down and join the gratitude community ( Now I am going to have to go and worship Jesus to thank Him for this!

7. (from Emery)"I am thankful that Jack didn't run away in the rain. (he gets scared when it rains sometimes)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


"Mommy, I am thankful for you! Mommy, I am thankful for noodles! I am thankful for Ivy! I am thankful!"
I have been reading a blog for some time now and the writer has a community of gratitude. I love that. I think Jesus looked for this in His community. He still does. He wants us to be thankful.
As I battle my wandering heart at time that searches for "the next thing," I see the need to look at what I have and give thanks! I ask Emery and Ivy daily what they are thankful for and many times it is silly 3-year old answers. A heart of gratitude is a great gift even if it is for the mundane.
So, I am joining the community of gratitude and the Hull's will be working on their multitude of thanks including 1000 things to be thankful for by Thanksgiving! In all things give thanks!